Gifts of Grain

Did you know you can donate from your harvest?

Now could be a great time to turn bushels of grain, corn, or soybeans into a gift to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal – Call to Share and potentially save on taxes and deduct the cost of production.

Wondering how it works?

The farmer notifies the elevator that the harvest commodity being delivered or stored is to be given to the Diocese of Salina. The elevator will contact the Diocese of Salina in Kansas, who will then sell the grain at market rate to the elevator. The elevator will send a check to the diocese. The farmer who donated the commodity will receive a gift letter and acknowledgment from the Catholic Foundation for Diocese of Salina.

Make your harvest count!

To learn more about making a gift of a commodity of grain, corn, or soybeans, please call 785-827-8746, Catholic Foundation for Diocese of Salina