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Safe Environment Training and Background Check

The Catholic Diocese of Salina uses CMGConnect, a safe environment on-line training program developed by Catholic Mutual Group (CMG). The training consists of 3 vignette style videos, a set of review questions for each video, along with information regarding ministering with vulnerable adults, a review of the policy and code of conduct and an integrated background check through The training takes about 75 minutes to finish and must be completed in one sitting.

As part of the Safe Environment Program, before beginning ministry, all employees, religious communities and clergy (bishops, priests [diocesan, religious, visiting and international], deacons and seminarians) and volunteers (with regard to their contact with minors) must complete safe environment training, and a criminal background check.  When a priest, religious or deacon, not incardinated in our diocese, is to engage in ministry in our diocese, the evaluation of his background check/ training may be satisfied through a written attestation of suitability for ministry supplied by his proper/ major superior to the diocese. Safe Environment training and background checks must be updated every five years.  

These trainings and background checks are administered by local safety coordinators through Catholic Mutual and’s on-line platform. Once completed, the results are kept at each organization (parish, school, etc,) where they maintain their own database of each person’s training and background check dates. The Safe Environment Office and Human Resource offices are responsible for verifying background checks, and all diocesan records are maintained in a database in the Safe Environment Office.

Then I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will lead you with knowledge and understanding.

Jeremiah 3:15