Three seminarians for the Diocese of Salina will be ordained to the traditional diaconate on April 6th, 2024, at Sacred Heart Cathedral in Salina, Kansas. The ordination marks one of the last major steps in their long journey to the priesthood. Those receiving the sacrament of Holy Orders during this ordination are Kade Megaffin, Jesse Ochs, and Adam Urban.
“God’s call to a specific vocation is truly a gift, and I look forward to my diaconate ordination! Serving the priest and the people of God at the altar, preaching, and serving in the ways deacons can is exciting, and it seems surreal after years of formation. It is a joy to journey toward the diaconate and priesthood with my brothers, and I know the people I serve will be a great blessing and grace in my life. Thank you for your support and prayers!”, stated Adam Urban, whose home parish is St. Nicholas of Myra in Hays, Kansas.
The “transitional” in the Transitional Deacon title refers to the fact that, unlike permanent deacons who serve in parishes around the diocese, they typically will spend only one year in the assignment as they prepare pastorally and spiritually for the Priesthood. God willing, they will be ordained as priests in June 2025.
Transitional deacons can assist at the altar, proclaim the Gospel, and perform other liturgical functions. “I’m really excited to be able to give blessings and to preach at Mass when I’m a Deacon,” said Jesse Ochs, whose home parish is Sacred Heart in Park, Kansas. During the next year, these men will deepen their understanding of the liturgy, Scripture, and pastoral ministry.
“I’m looking forward to three main things about ordination—grace, ministry, and home. I am very excited to receive the grace of the sacrament and see how Jesus draws me closer to Himself by this particular consecration. I almost cannot wait to jump into the life of ministry as a deacon and serve the people of God. The thought of doing ministry in our home diocese adds a nice layer of frosting to the cake! It will be great to serve the diocese in a new way this summer!” – Kade Megaffin
One of the many ministries supported by the Bishop’s Annual Appeal – Call to Share – is the Office of Vocations, which guides these men throughout their discernment journey. It is through your gifts that they can receive the support needed to reach such significant milestones on their way to priestly ordination. If you have given to the 2024 Bishop’s Annual Appeal- thank you! We could not support these men without you. If you haven’t yet given to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal or would like more information, please visit- or scan the QR code.