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E-News to the Faithful for September 2, 2022

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Discipleship: In this Sunday’s Gospel, we find “great crowds were following Jesus.” Suddenly, Jesus turns around and says, “If anyone comes to me without hating his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.” Obviously, we are called to love our family. In fact, the more we put God first in our life and the more we love Jesus, the more we will love our family. God always wants to give us more of His love so we can love more.  

Ukraine: So glad to know that refugees from the Ukraine have moved into our diocese in a few areas. I was able to meet one young couple. When I asked them if there is anything they need, the woman said, “my family.” They journeyed to America having to leave their family behind. I want to thank all those who have helped the people from Ukraine—and all refugees for that matter.  Pope Francis reminds us, “Migrants and refugees are not pawns on the chessboard of humanity. They are children, women and men who leave or who are forced to leave their homes for various reasons, who share a legitimate desire for knowing and having, but above all for being more.” 

Trafficking: The staff from our chancery and Catholic Charities were recently blessed to receive a presentation on human trafficking by Sr. Margaret Nache of the Sisters of St. Joseph. Human trafficking is in many ways “modern day slavery.” Pope Francis stated, “It is not possible to remain indifferent before the knowledge that human beings are bought and sold like goods!” Please learn more about this important crisis in our world and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you. It’s more prevalent in Kansas than most people think.  

Ghana: We are blessed to have Fr. Ernest Amoako-Opare from Ghana serving in our diocese. He is a kind, gentle priest. Fr. Ernest’s bishop, Bishop Joseph Afrifah, is visiting our diocese from September 8 – 13. We welcome him with open arms. 

Birthday: Always excited to celebrate the birth of our Blessed Mother on September 8. I hope you celebrate her birthday in some way that day! 

The Cross: September 14 is the Feast of the Triumph of the Cross (also known as the Exultation of the Cross). The Cross is the burning fire of hope! We celebrate the Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows on September 15.  

Humble One: We are blessed to have a pilgrim icon of St. Joseph that is normally stationed in the famous St. Joseph Oratory in Montreal coming to our diocese. There are prayer services dedicated to St. Joseph scheduled at the Cathedral on Tuesday, September 6, and at St. Mary’s Parish in Salina on September 8, both starting at 7 pm. All are welcome, and I hope to see you there. 

Convocation: The priests from the diocese will be together for their convocation from September 19 – 23. Please pray for us!  

Formation: I will be at Mundelein Seminary with nine other bishops for ongoing formation from September 25 – 30.  

Wildcats and Tigers: Our college students are back on campus and there are a lot of great things happening at our campus parishes. The number of college students attending Mass keeps rising. I even heard that at a recent Tuesday evening 9:09 Mass at St. Isidore’s Parish at K-State there were 270 students there. Awesome!  

Catholic Schools: More good news! As of now, it looks like the enrollment of our Catholic Schools throughout the diocese has increased by approximately 85 students. St. Francis Xavier School in Junction City increased by 22 students! I have been able to visit some of our Catholic schools recently. There sure is a lot of love and joy there!

March for Martyrs: A group of students from St. John’s in Beloit will participate in the annual March for Martyrs locally, for those Christians who suffer persecution throughout our world. Great to see the initiative of our young people.  

Divine Providence: Speaking of our schools, I recently attended the funeral of Jean Ross, the former president of TMP-Marian. One of the many things she did on a yearly basis was write a line in the budget “Divine Providence.” Obviously in our Catholic Schools there is always more expenses than income. However, Jean wrote in “Divine Providence” trusting that God would provide. And it always worked–through the generosity of the faithful.  

Religious Education: Super excited about our Religious Education Programs partnering with The Catechetical Institute of Franciscan University to help our DREs and catechists create even stronger religious education programs in our parishes. It is an exciting opportunity for all those working with our young people in the classroom to get some new ideas and look at ways to help make the quality of the catechesis our young people receive even stronger. It has been great to see how eager and excited the DREs, CYO directors and catechists are to start the program. Many thanks to the  people who give up their valuable time and energy to help our young people grow in their faith and become true disciples of Christ. 

Joining the Church: The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is now known as the OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults). This is a wonderful journey for those interested in joining the Church. Every parish in the diocese is participating in OCIA. Please invite someone to join and accompany them on this journey.  

P & A: There were recently two segments from EWTN on Prayer and Action from our diocese. A Homily from the August 20, 2022, EWTN Daily Mass you can watch HERE. The part about P&A begins around 33:50. The other segment was on EWTN News Nightly and is available to watch HERE. They are both worth watching! 

Mercy: So thankful for Divine Mercy Radio in our diocese. They will have their annual appreciation banquets on September 10 in Hays at the Rose Garden Banquet Hall and on September 11 in Salina at the Cathedral Hall of Bishops. Thank you for your support of Divine Mercy Radio. Their evangelization efforts are a wonderful blessing! 

Acknowledgment: When I joined tens of thousands of the Vietnamese community from around the country at the Marian Days in Carthage, Missouri, I ran into a missionary priest from Maryknoll. He gives mission coop talks at parishes around the county. He told me that of all the dioceses that he works with, the Diocese of Salina is the most hospitable. He mentioned by name the helpful assistance of Fr. Steve Heina and Brenda Streit in our Chancery.

Congrats: This weekend, I will be in Damar to celebrate the 100th anniversary of their parish’s Knights of Columbus Council. The motto of the Knights is charity, unity and fraternity, and they do a wonderful job of doing that.  

Congrats II: Speaking of accomplishments, happy to hear that Ascension Via Christi Hospital in Manhattan was one of three Kansas hospitals that made the U.S. News & World Report’s inaugural list of Best Hospitals for Maternity Care. By the way, reps from Ascension Via Christi said there is a huge uptick in deliveries this year. Praise God!  

Labor Day: I hope you enjoy the day on Monday with your family!  

Have a blessed month of September, giving thanks to God for all his blessings!

Love and prayers,


Inspiration from the Saints:

We long for peace, especially in our hearts. Please enjoy once again the prayer from St. Francis de Sales on Peace.  

Do not look forward in fear to the changes in life; 
rather, look to them with full hope that as they arise, 
God, whose very own you are, 
will lead you safely through all things; 
and when you cannot stand it, 
God will carry you in His arms. 
Do not fear what may happen tomorrow; 
the same understanding Father who cares for 
you today will take care of you then and every day. 
He will either shield you from suffering 
or will give you unfailing strength to bear it. 
Be at peace, 
and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations.