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St. Francis Xavier Catholic School – Junction City

St. Francis Xavier Catholic School has been educating students since 1871 and is a place rich in tradition, and heavily invested in faith, family, and future. With the help of our highly qualified, dedicated staff, St. Francis Xavier is a nurturing, supporting family environment where we educate our children for the world of tomorrow, as the students grow closer to God through their faith.

The mission of St. Francis Xavier Catholic School is educating for eternity through faith and reason. We instill this mission in our students, families, and staff by providing a strong faith based academic education that prepares our students for the future.

Combined with our tradition of providing excellence in education to all, St. Francis Xavier students receive an authentic education that nurtures their spirit and heart. By participating in daily student-led school-wide prayer, daily religion classes, and weekly Masses, our students learn to cherish their faith. Because learning takes place beyond the classroom, service to our community is an integral component to our educational program and a valued part of our school curriculum. St. Francis Xavier Catholic School is blessed to be a part of the Junction City community.

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Shawn Augustine

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School News & Updates

Catholic Schools of the Salina Diocese Receive Kansans Can Star Recognition from KSDE

Salina Diocese Catholic Schools Receive Accreditation

End of the year update from Geoff Andrews