The Catholic Diocese of Salina is committed to maintaining safe environments for children to learn, pray and grow. The Safe Environment Office is responsible for implementing and overseeing the full diocesan response to the USCCB’s Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. To ensure the safety of children and young people entrusted in our care, we provide educational training programs (through CMGConnect on-line platform), conduct presentations, and provide resource materials to personnel ministering to minors in our schools and parishes in relation to the directives of the Charter. Along with the training, with the assistance of the Human Resources Department, the office helps to oversee background screenings of these trained adults.
The Victim Assistance Coordinator (VAC) manages the Catholic Diocese of Salina’s response to a victim/survivors of sexual abuse by serving as a contact and support for them, offering information regarding therapy, counseling and opportunities for outreach toward healing and restoration for the individual and their family. The VAC may also make recommendations to the bishop regarding any special needs of the affected parishes or community.
The Safe Environment Office supports our parishes and schools, maintains the compliance of our Dioceses and is an excellent resource for parents, educators, volunteers and community members.
As a community of faith, we believe that the prevention of child sexual abuse begins with each person. Increased awareness and a willingness to take action are steps for every person to take to eradicate abuse in our society, in the community, in the neighborhood, and in the family.
In the Catholic Diocese of Salina, we ensure this by:
- Providing appropriate training in recognizing and reporting child sexual abuse to appropriate civil and church authorities. This training is done through meetings and presentations and is also discussed during on-site audit visits with parish and school Safety Coordinators, Pastors and Principals. Child Abuse training materials are presented through various handouts, flyers, posters and are distributed to parishes and schools via our website, newsletter, and the SDNB.
- Thoroughly screening and training all clergy, employees, educators and volunteers, with regard to contact with minors. This group includes drivers who transport minors, coaches, kitchen workers, and playground supervisors, just to name a few. The training is done through CMGConnect our on-line training platform through Catholic Mutual which includes an integrated background check through
- Holding all members of the clergy, employees and volunteers who work with minors to Christ centered and professional policies and codes of conduct.
- Providing safe environment training for STUDENTS in catholic schools and parish religious education programs. In these yearly refreshers, teachers will instruct ways to make and maintain a safe environment for children and young people. These age appropriate lessons may include information and instruction about: God’s love, relationships, personal space, boundaries, respect and care; safe and unsafe touches; lures, internet safety, bullying, as well as how to get help from a trusted adult. This training is for students in grades K-12.
- For more information regarding the Safe Environment Program for the Catholic Diocese of Salina please contact Wendy Backes 785-827-8746 #124
Compliance Letters
Please click box below to read the letter addressed to Bishop Vincke from StoneBridge Business Partners
FROM THE USCCB – 2023 Annual Report
The 2023 Annual Report on the implementation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People has been released. It describes the progress of Catholic dioceses/eparchies in implementing victim assistance and child protection policies and programs in the United States, particularly those found within the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. The Annual Report is based on an annual audit process, carried out between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023, by Stonebridge Business Partners. To read the full results of the report click here.

Human Trafficking
Modern day slavery, one of the largest and most urgent issues facing our nation.
The USCCB has provided the following statistical information:
- There are an estimated 40.3 million victims of modern-day slavery worldwide. Of these, 25 million are victims of labor or sex trafficking and 15 million are people trapped in forced marriages.
- Nearly 30% of all victims are men and boys; increasing to 46% for victims of forced labor
- Unfortunately, stakeholders have increasingly found that individuals in situations of forced migration, such as refugees and unaccompanied children, are particularly vulnerable to labor and sex traffickers.
- Victim identification remains a significant challenge to U.S. efforts to prevent trafficking, prosecute perpetrators, and protect victims.
- Calculated as a 150-billion-dollar industry, modern day slavery has become the fastest growing source of illicit profit for criminals worldwide.
If you or someone you know is a victim of human trafficking call, text or email using the information below:
National: 1-888-373-7888
By Text: text HELP to 233733 (BEFREE)
By Email: [email protected]
Website with Online chat available: