Resources for Site Safety Coordinators

Please contact the Safe Environment Office if you have any questions or can’t find what you are looking for.

This form is similar to a permission slip. If a parent so chooses to the decline the Safe Environment Training for their child, this form must be completed and kept on file at site and sent to the diocese for filing

Please give appropriate instructions to those needing Safe Environment Training and background check. All trainings are done through the CMGConnect on-line platform.

Please be sure those ministering at your parish or school in the Diocese of Salina have received/reviewed a copy of the appropriate code of conduct

  • Adults -pdf
  • High School STUDENT’s – Grades 9-12 – pdf
  • Middle School STUDENT’S -Grades 6-8 – pdf

Please use this calendar as a guide to assist you as you implement and comply with the Safe Environment Program for the Diocese of Salina.

Please use this sample email template when contacting new users to complete or renew Safe Environment Training. to complete Training and Background Check.

  • New User pdf
  • Renewal pdf

Yearly, the Office of Safe Environment provides an age-appropriate lesson for Students in Catholic Schools and Parish Religious Education to meet the Charter requirement. .

This form is a visual snapshot of all employees and all volunteers ministering with minors in our parishes and is used for to verify that those listed is in the CMGConnect database is in accord with who is currently at your location. This is form is to be maintained and kept current at all times.

This form is a visual snapshot of all employees, educators, and all volunteers ministering with minors in our schools and is used for to verify that those listed is in the CMGConnect database is in accord with who is currently at your location. This is form is to be maintained and kept current at all times.

These flyers are to be displayed in high traffic areas at your school or parish.

This brochure (available in various languages) should be displayed in high traffic areas at your school or parish and distributed to parents and other community members.

This announcement (available in various languages and sizes) is to be published quarterly in parish bulletins, school newsletters or on parish websites.

The Diocese of Salina’s response to the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People is all in included in this handbook which outlines the guidelines, policies, and procedures established to maintain safe environments in the parishes and schools.

This poster (available in various languages and sizes) is to be displayed in high traffic areas at your school or parish

  • English/Large pdf
  • English/Small pdf
  • Spanish /Large pdf -Coming Soon
  • Spanish /Small pdf -Coming SOON

This flyer reviews the definition of an employee, educator or volunteer and how one should be labeled in the CMG connect database and on your ministry inventory form.

Vulnerable Adult Training InstructionsPDF Please use these instructions to obtain further training and information whose ministry involves vulnerable adults.

Why Safe Environment? Flyer – PDF Use this flyer as an introduction or review of the Safe Environment Program to volunteers and employees.

Field Trip and Event Forms

Helpful Resources