Information for this year’s camp! Deadline August 10th!

Map to Rock Spring Ranch From Junction City Exit

This is an annual event that usually occurs on Memorial Weekend, Saturday through Tuesday, for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders at Rock Springs 4H Camp. This year, due to renovations at the camp, we will hold camp on Labor Day Weekend. Counselors for this event are students from High School Seniors through College age. We have a theme that young adults develop and present during the evening programs. Check out Rock Spring’s Website to check out the camp-
CYO Campers-Registration Due August 10th – Cost is $225.00
Please download and complete the following forms (The forms can be downloaded at the bottom of this page)
Campers Forms
- Jr. CYO Registration Form
- Rock Springs Participant Form
- Form B
- Form C
Forms are then turned in to your parish (some of the parishes and JR CYO programs help cover some of the registration fees)
For any other questions please contact Bill Meagher–785-827-8746, Ext: 49— [email protected]
Forms Below