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Discern and Apply


Discerning Priesthood

Each year there are multiple opportunities for discernment:

*Fall and Spring Seminary Visits – Current seminaries to visit include Conception Seminary in Conception, MO; Kenrick School of Theology in St. Louis, MO; St. John Vianney Theological Seminary in Denver, CO; and Sacred Heart Seminary & School of Theology in Hales Corners, WI.

*Quo Vadis retreat for the Salina and Wichita Diocese – this is an opportunity to examine where your life is going and ask the Lord if you are going in the right direction. This retreat is designed for young men to discern a vocation to the priesthood, to religious life, or to marriage. On this retreat, you will take time to ask the Lord where He desires to lead you. (Open to men who are High School Juniors through 30 years of age.)

Runnin’ Revs – Enjoy a relaxed competition between Seminarians, Priests and faithful young men for a night of basketball, prayer and pizza. This is a free event to help support seminarians and promote vocations.

Vocations BBQ – Priests are invited to bring young men of any age from their parish who have interest in priesthood.  The event usually takes place in the late summer and consists of evening prayer, sharing of discernment stories and a meal.

Contact Fr. Andy Hammeke or Fr. Joshua Werth at [email protected] or call 785-625-7396 for more detailed information.


Application Process

If you are interested in the priesthood, Fr. Joshua and Fr. Andy would love to talk to you as soon as possible. Please email them at [email protected] and include your name, age, home parish, education level and a little bit about yourself.

  1. Initial meeting with the Vocations Director – contact Fr. Andy Hammeke or Fr. Joshua Werth at [email protected] or call 785-625-7396
  2. Meet the Bishop
  3. Complete Application (provided by Vocations Director)
  4. Formal Interview with Vocations Directors, Bishop, and Lay Vocation Board
  5. If accepted by the Diocese, apply for Seminary