Candidates for Ordination Class of 2025:
David DiNuzzo – St. John the Baptist – Beloit
Mark LeValley – St. Mary, Queen of the Universe – Salina
Timothy Donohoue – Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Manhattan
Harry Hardy – St. Thomas More – Manhattan
Daniel Wahlmeier – St. Joseph – New Almelo
Bill Meagher – St. Nicholas of Mya – Hays
Please pray for these deacon candidates: “Lord God, remember our deacon candidates. You have called them to discern your will in their lives. Help them to respond courageously to their vocations. Bless their families. Help us to encourage and strengthen them through our prayers that they may serve your Church in holiness. We ask this in the name of Jesus, who is Lord forever and ever. Amen.”

Am I being called by God to be a deacon? That is the first and foremost question that a man must begin to answer in determining whether or not to make an application for the diaconate. This discernment begins with prayer, self-reflection, and more prayer! This continues in consultation with our spouse, family, or friends. And the discernment does not end after acceptance into the program, but continues throughout aspirancy and candidate formation until a man’s ordination day. The diocese and, ultimately the bishop, also discern the question, “Is this man being called by God to be a servant in our diocese?” The question may not have the same answer as the applicant’s, the aspirant’s, or the candidate’s and it too may not be answered until ordination day.
If you think that you are a man being called by God, please look throughout the Office of Deacons’ webpages for information regarding the application process, aspirancy, and formation. Especially, the links below. Or, if you are a family member, a parishioner, or a member of the general public, please feel free to also look around and learn about the Church’s clerical state of the diaconate.
The Diocese of Salina began an a class of aspirants in September 2020, which will meet until June 2021, at which time the bishop will select those aspirants into candidacy who he feels may be called into formal formation. Those candidates will begin formation in September 2021, and will continue formation until May 2025. Ordination will take place in June 2025.
Applications for the diaconate are currently closed. It is not anticipated that applications will be accepted again until approximately 2025 or later, depending upon the needs of the diocese.