At the heart of Catholic life is the liturgy. From earliest times, Christians gathered together to pray, to proclaim the Scriptures, and to celebrate the Lord’s Supper. In fact, the Greek word for church, ekklesia, literally means “the gathering.”
The Liturgy Office exists to help people in the diocese to pray, to offer guidance in the proper celebration of the sacraments, and to assist the Bishop in his role as leader of the Church at prayer. The office offers training and update workshops for lectors, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, musicians and other liturgical ministries, and plans the Rites of Election, the Chrism Mass, ordinations, and other diocesan liturgies.
Liturgy Resources
The liturgy office assists parishes in finding appropriate music, worship aids, teaching tools and guidelines for the proper celebration of the liturgy.
The Liturgy Manual, published by the office, is a resource tool for parishes. It has sections of material on all the major liturgical ministries so that parishes can have this information gathered into one book. Parishes are encouraged to alter the various sections so that the manual becomes a unique resource specific to their situation.