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Pastoral Ministry Formation

The Office of Lay Ministry Formation has joined the Dodge City Diocese in conjunction with Newman University in their formation program for Lay Ecclesial Ministry. Drawing on the U.S. Bishops’ document, Co-workers in the Vineyard of the Lord: A Resource for Guiding the Development of Lay Ecclesial Ministry, the program will focus on four poles of formation. 

The Human qualities critical to form wholesome relationships and necessary to be apt instruments of God’s love and compassion. 

A spirituality and practice of prayer that root them in God’s Trinitarian life, grounding and animating all they do in ministry. 

Adequate knowledge in theological and pastoral studies, along with the intellectual skill to use it among the people they will serve. 

The practical pastoral abilities called for in their particular ministry. 

All courses are offered via ITV. Brochures are being sent out with the upcoming semester course offerings. See Documents below. Register online at or contact Coleen Stein, coordinator, at 620-227-1538 or [email protected], P.O. Box 137, Dodge City KS 67801. Courses are worth 3 college credits or 36 hours of personal enrichment.


THEO 4003 Christology (3 hour college course) 

More than creed or culture, Christianity is a relationship with a person. Christology ponders who Jesus Christ is for us. The course aims to investigate the answers given in scripture and church tradition to Jesus’ question, “Who do you say that I am?”

Instructor: Fr. Terrance Klein

Father Terrance Klein is pastor of St. Joseph Parish in Ellinwood, and he chairs the committee for the continuing formation of priests for the Catholic Diocese of Dodge City.  A former theology professor at leading Catholic universities, he is the author or coauthor of many books. He writes a weekly homiletical column for the Jesuit ministry, America Press.  

Saturday mornings – 8:15 to 12:00 noon

Class Dates –  Jan. 20, 27, Feb. 3, 10, 17, 24, Mar. 2, 9, 16

Location – This course is offered over Zoom. To be in a Zoom class, one will need a computer with a microphone and camera.

Cost: 3 hr. college course for credit – $150.00* 3 hr. college course for enrichment – $75.00*

Please add $5.00 for postage and handling.

*Does not include textbook.

Textbook: Mattias Neuman. Christology: True God, True Man. Catholic Basics: A Pastoral Ministry Series. Chicago: Loyola Press, 2002.

THEO 4881 Roots and Wings – Source and Summit (1 hour college course)                                                                                                                                  

“Roots and Wings – Source and Summit” (1 hour course) explores the Hebrew origins of sacrifice and eucharist. The choreography-taking-blessing-breaking-giving– through which the risen Jesus comes to us, again and again and again echoes the Passover Meal, which in Christian communities eventually becomes the Eucharist. “The breaking of the bread,” the eucharistic choreography through which we may recognize Jesus’ presence, is fundamentally the choregraphy of exodus: liberation from bondage, embarking on a new journey, stepping into a new life of intimate companionship/partnership with God. Taking and drinking from the chalice of the Blood of the covenant brings past  covenants into the present and leads us into the future in mission.

Throughout students will be encouraged to consider the Bishops’ invitation to reconsecrate themselves to the source and summit of our faith. Moving from the “Last Supper” to the “Supper of the Lamb”. Moving from offering a sacrifice to becoming a living sacrifice.

Instructor: Fr. Robert Schremmer

Fr. Robert Schremmer is a Diocesan priest in retirement. From 2001-2019, Fr. Bob served as Vicar General. He holds an MA Degree and MTh Degree from St. Thomas School of Theology, Denver, CO. Fr. Bob began teaching in the Pastoral Ministry Formation Program since its’ inception in 1998. He has taught the core course, “Theology and Methods of Ministry”, seven times and a number of one-hour courses such as: Crash Course in Vatican II, 500th Anniversary of the Reformation, Mysterious Mystagogia, The Hunger Games and the Good News, Equipping for Ministry at Mass, Navigating Charisms.

Tuesday evenings – 6:00 pm to 9:30 pm

Class Dates – Jan. 16, 23, 30, Feb. 6

Location – This course is offered over Zoom. To be in a Zoom class, one will need a computer with a microphone and camera.

Cost: 1 hr. college course for credit – $50.00*1 hr. college course for enrichment – $25.00*

Please add $5.00 for each course for postage and handling.

*Does not include textbook.

Textbook: Can You Drink the Cup? Henri J.M. Nouwen