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Adult Formation

The Office of Adult Formation provides courses and workshops for:

  • Catechist Certification
  • Ministry Training
  • Adult Education

For such reasons as these, the Church wisely and repeatedly insists that adult faith formation is “essential to who we are and what we do as Church” and must be “situated not at the periphery of the Church’s educational mission but at its center.” Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us, a Statement of the U.S. Catholic Bishops.

  • Adult Faith Formation Courses-Fall 2020
    • ITV – Interactive Televised Viewing – Courses for the Fall of 2020 are listed in the Brochure that you can find under Documents

Worship and Faith

Course Description: The Church’s Creeds evolved out of a doctrinal concern, but they were always more than doctrine; they were prayed by the Christian community.  The way the Church prayed by faith, primarily in the Eucharistic gathering, even contributed to the formation of the New Testament.  For every generation, the principal gateway into the faith is the way it worships.  Thus, worship must be regarded as one of the most vigorous and central elements of the Pastoral Ministry Formation curriculum.  This course will consider the relationship between liturgical prayer and religious imagination, focusing particularly on the meaning liturgy can have for contemporary Catholics, as well as present-day challenges.

Available for college credit or simply for personal enrichment

Offered in-person and via ZOOM

  • Instructor–  Fr. Frank Coady
  • Saturday mornings – 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon
  • Class Dates
    • Sept. 11, 18, 25
    • Oct 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
    • Nov 6

Prophets and the Prophetic Voice

Course Description:  Prophets and the Prophetic Voice bring these brave spokespersons of God, the Old Testament Prophets, to life. Their messages apply to us, for our modern times are as challenging as were ancient Israel’s, and we 21st century people are as in need of God’s truth as those thousands of years ago. The messages of the prophets are timely and fascinating, full of drama and truth.

Available for college credit or simply for personal enrichment

Offered in-person and via ZOOM

  • Instructor – Sr. Joan Wolf, O.P.
  • Wednesday evenings – 6:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
  • Class Dates
    • Sept 15, 22, 29
    • Oct 6

News & Updates from Adult Formation

10 Characteristics of a STREAM School

1 STREAM schools seek to integrate Catholic identity into every aspect of the curriculum. They manifest this intent through projects based in social justice as well as in-depth experiential instruction in the teachings of the Church. 2 STREAM schools provide a challenging learning environment focused...

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