Dear brothers and sisters in Christ.
Mother Teresa once said: “We cannot all do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” Now you and I, the people of the Catholic diocese of Salina, have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to do a great thing through a small act. I’m talking about the critical need to vote “yes” on the Value Them Both Amendment this August 2nd. Because of a radical state court ruling in Topeka, the abortion industry in Kansas is now being allowed to operate with virtually no limits or regulations.
Kansas is already becoming an abortion destination for the Midwest. Kansas abortions are skyrocketing–up double digits the past three years. Almost half of the abortions now performed here are on women from outside of Kansas. This is a humanitarian tragedy unfolding right before us. I know that in the past, you—like me—have felt helpless to stop what’s happening. But here’s the thing. In this particular instance we can actually do something about it. Our votes and voices can and will make a difference.
If we vote “yes” in big numbers for the Value Them Both Amendment, we will reverse the radical court ruling and allow Kansas laws regulating the abortion industry to once again be in effect and enforced.
Our “yes” vote on Value Them Both will protect Kansas women and save babies—it’s that simple.
Here is another important point. You may have heard that the United States Supreme Court in Washington D.C. may soon overturn the infamous Roe versus Wade decision that legalized abortion. We are hopeful this will happen. But no matter what the U.S. Supreme Court does, abortion in Kansas will remain unlimited and unregulated unless we pass the Value Them Both Amendment.
Only Kansans like you and I can save our state from the evil of an unregulated abortion industry. Voters in the diocese of Salina and throughout rural Kansas have an extra and particular responsibility to vote “yes” and offset the anticipated “no vote” coming from bigger cities. We need you. Please, get involved. Make sure you are registered to vote. I encourage you to ask for an advance ballot from your local election office. However you do it, please vote “yes” for Value Them Both.
You can also help by making phone calls to friends and knocking on their door, respectfully asking them to please vote “yes.” In the grand scheme of life, these are small actions…but if we do them with great love, life will prevail. And we can protect Kansas as a place that welcomes, honors and values both women and babies.
We consecrate our efforts to our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Unborn. Our Lady will guide and protect us. She will not let us down.
To learn more, including ways to get involved, go to
Thank you for your attention. Keep this intention close to your heart and in constant prayer. May our Redeemer give success to the work of our hands.
God bless you.