E-News to the Faithful September 30, 2022

Bishop's Office, E-News to the Faithful
Sep 30, 2022

Faith: For this weekend’s Gospel, the disciples invite Jesus to “increase our faith.”  In this ever-changing world, Jesus invites us to put our faith not in the world but in his presence always with us.

Relationship: I am currently at Mundelein Seminary in Chicago with nine other bishops for ongoing formation for bishops through the Institute of Priestly Formation. The theme of the conference is “Communion with Christ.” They are continually emphasizing that our relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is the most important in our lives. Of course, that message is not just for clergy but for all of us. 

Healing: One of our presenters told the story of a family in which the mom began to notice that something was out of whack in her home. Something just wasn’t right. Her children were arguing more with each other and so on.  So, she decided to take the family for confession.  It brought a lot of peace in her home.  

Synod: On our Diocesan Website you will find links to DiocesanRegion IX and National Synthesis of the Synodal process in the United States. As it mentions in the National Synthesis, we are encouraged to continue the synodal process in our dioceses by continuing to listen to one another. More information to follow.

Convocation: Last week, the priests of the diocese held their convocation (which occurs every five-years), and we had our own little synodal process by listening to each other and discussing our hopes and dreams for the future of the diocese.  It was great to be together!

Our Mother: October is the month of Our Lady of the Rosary. We celebrate the Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary on October 7. Beginning October 1 and ending October 7, our diocese will be joining others across the country in a Diocesan Rosary Congress. A special thank you to all the Parishes who are participating! Praying the rosary every day is a great blessing to the Church. 

Hurricane: Please continue to pray for those most effected by Hurrican Ian, especially those most vulnerable.

Respect Life Month:   Every October, we consider more deeply why every human life is valuable and reflect on how to build a culture that protects life from conception to natural death.  We pray that we may see every human person, including the unborn, as how God sees them.  

Our Schools: I am so delighted in the recognition of our Catholic Schools as one of 95 schools and systems out of over 1,000 to be listed as a Cognia System of Distinction for 2022. “The Schools of Distinction award recognizes schools and systems that truly stand out in their service to learners.”

Mission: World Mission Sunday is set for October 22 – 23. In 1926 Pope Pius XI instituted Mission Sunday for the whole Church.  That day is celebrated in all the local Churches as the feast of catholicity and universal solidarity so Christians the world over will recognize their common responsibility with regard to the evangelization of the world.

Anniversaries: I always look forward to the Marriage Anniversary Masses held in our diocese. This year Masses will be held on October 16 at St. Mary Queen of the Universe Church in Salina; and on October 30 at St. Nicholas of Myra Church in Hays. Both Masses begin at 3 PM. 

75: Speaking of anniversaries, congratulations to Leonard and Maxine Zerr who are celebrating their 75th wedding anniversary on October 8 at Sacred Heart Parish in Park. 

Lansing: Next week, I will be with the clergy from the Diocese of Lansing for their annual convocation. I am giving several talks on prayer to them.  I am looking forward to seeing my former diocesan brothers.

May Our Lady watch over you during this month of October, pouring out many graces to you all!

Love and prayers, 


Inspiration from the Saints:

In times of darkness, holding the Rosary is like holding your Blessed Mother’s hand. Pray the Rosary every day. Abandon yourself in the hands of Mary. She will take care of you. ~ St. Padre Pio

Some quotes from St. Therese of Lisiuex whose Feast we celebrate October 1:

Jesus points out to me the only way which leads to Love’s furnace – that way is self-surrender – it is the confidence of the little child who sleeps without fear in its father’s arms.

You know well enough that Our Lord does not look so much at the greatness of our actions, nor even at their difficulty, but at the love with which we do them.

Miss no single opportunity of making some small sacrifice, here by a smiling look, there by a kindly word; always doing the smallest right and doing it all for love.