Happy Feast of the Archangels Gabriel, Raphael, and Michael today! The archangels are significant figures in the spiritual realm, serving as messengers of God and defenders of His people. We venerate the angels and archangels, because they help us on our earthly pilgrimage and protect us in spiritual battle. They bring God to humanity and open heaven to earth. The next time you are at Mass, realize that you are joining in the heavenly liturgy, celebrated by the angels and the saints, united in Christ.
Continuing with angels, did you know God loves you so much that He gave you your own guardian angel? On October 2 we celebrate the Memorial of our Guardian Angels. We may not think of them or ask for their intercession as often as we should, but they are here to pray for us, protect us, and guide us. They offer our prayers, good works, and desires to God.
On October 4, the Church celebrates the Memorial of the beloved St. Francis of Assisi. He is the secondary patron of our diocese, with Our Lady of Perpetual Help being the primary patron. Francis is known for his sensitivity to all of God’s creation. He said, “The world is a great stage on which God displays his many wonders.”
Speaking of creation, also on October 4, Pope Francis is expected to release a second part of Laudato Si, which is on the care of our common home. The Holy Father said, “We must never forget that the younger generations have the right to receive a beautiful and livable world from us, and that this implies that we have a grave responsibility towards creation which we have received from the generous hands of God.”
The human person is God’s greatest creation. October is Respect Life Month. Please pray and teach others the respect of every human person from the moment of conception to natural death.
I am excited to let you know that the Salina Diocese Natural Family Planning Office has announced its first FertilityCare Practitioner Education Program for training new Practitioners to provide instruction in the Creighton Model FertilityCare System. We are blessed to have 9 Practitioners spread across the diocese now, but wouldn’t it be wonderful if we had even more!
Please pray for the upcoming international Synod on Synodality, simply asking the Holy Spirit to guide the participants to the Father’s will.
Renowned Theology of the Body speaker Christopher West will be speaking at St. Francis Xavier Parish in Junction City on October 4 at 7 pm. Made for More: Visions of the Promised Land is a one-night event that will explore the meaning of life through the lens of Pope Saint John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. The lively program weaves together the spoken word, live music, movie clips, videos, and sacred art. For tickets, contact saintxevents@gmail.com, 785-845-2868, or purchase tickets online HERE.
Looking forward to celebrating the anniversary Masses for our married couples on October 15 at the Cathedral in Salina and on October 29 at St. Nicholas of Myra Church in Hays. Both Masses begin at 3 pm. If you are celebrating your 1st anniversary or an anniversary ending with a 5 or 0, there’s still time…click the links above to register for the Mass you would like to attend. I hope to see you there!
We are honoring our beloved health care workers with a “white Mass” on October 22 at St. Elizabeth Parish in Salina at 1 pm. Fr. Keith Weber will preside.
World Mission Sunday is October 22. Pope Francis chose “Hearts on fire, feet on the move” as this year’s theme. This day is celebrated in all the local Churches as the feast of catholicity and universal solidarity so Christians the world over will recognize their common responsibility with regard to the evangelization of the world. The Holy Father invites us to kindle the fire of Christ’s love in our hearts and to actively share this warmth with the world around us. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, we go forth and bring the Good News to all corners of the world.
As I travel throughout the diocese, I know that many of you are struggling, especially with family issues. Please know of my love and prayers. May our loving God console you with peace.
Some quotes from our secondary patron of our diocese, St. Francis of Assisi:
“Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing that you have received – only what you have given: a full heart, enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice and courage.”
“The deeds you do may be the only sermon some persons will hear today.”
“All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.”