SOMEONE MADE IT: Next weekend, we celebrate the Ascension of Jesus to the Father in heaven. This is our ultimate goal—to be with God in heaven. We can’t save ourselves. We can’t raise ourselves from the dead. But the life of Christ in us can! Jesus, you are the way, truth, and life. Help us to remain in you.
COME HOLY SPIRIT: The following weekend, May 18-19, we conclude the Easter season with the celebration of Pentecost. Pope Francis said, “At Pentecost, the life of the church began not from a precise and detailed plan, but from the shared experience of God’s love.” The life of Jesus continues in the Church through the Holy Spirit flowing from us.
OUR MOTHER: May is Mary’s month. We are so grateful to God that He gave us His Mother to be our Mother. Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers on May 12 as well. Thank you for all you do!
FATIMA: Speaking of our Blessed Mother, Our Lady at Fatima told the three children to pray the rosary for peace in the world. Let’s listen to our Mother’s advice.
ASSIGNMENTS: This weekend all the priests who will receive new assignments beginning July 1 made announcements in their parishes. The information is now posted on the diocesan website and will be published in the May issue of the Register. Please know that these decisions can be difficult for the priests and the parishioners. Please pray for one another, trusting in the Lord and His love and mercy.
GRADUATIONS: Congratulations to all our high school and college graduates. May God bless you and all your endeavors and plans.
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: : I attended the State Convention for the Knights of Columbus this past weekend. I am always impressed with the dedication and desire of the Knights for their care and concern for the poor—both in a material and spiritual sense.
CONGRATS: Lucas Jueneman, a 3rd grader at St. John’s School in Hanover, won first place in a Knights of Columbus poster contest: He wrote (with pictures): “I’m God’s eyes when I see Christ in others. I’m God’s voice when I give compliments. I’m God’s ears when I listen to someone who is having a bad day. I’m God’s feet when I walk my neighbor’s dog. I’m God’s hands when I hold the door (for someone).”
SPROUTS: The family’s role in forming their children is so important, and sometimes, it can be hard to find the time to do that. Recently, when I was at a parish, someone shared something their family has been using. It is a great little five—to eight-minute podcast from Catholic Sprouts that can be listened to on your way to picking up or dropping off your children at school. Here is a link to one of their podcasts. This month, they are focusing on Mary, and this one is focused on Mary’s dogmatic titles. I also like that each podcast has a great little prayer for each one. Please check it out and consider using it with your family!
FARMERS: The feast day of St. Isidore, the patron saint of farmers, is on May 15. The national rural life office is hosting a nine-day novena of praying the rosary for farmers beginning this evening at 7 pm. You can join by Zoom Meeting ID: 879 4076 7521, Passcode: 388027
Inspiration from the Saints:
With Pentecost the weekend of May 18-19, we pray that the Holy Spirit may reign in our hearts.
Prayer of St. Augustine
Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may all be holy.
Act in me, O Holy Spirit, that my work, too, may be holy.
Draw my heart, O Holy Spirit, that I love but what is holy.
Strengthen me, O Holy Spirit, to defend all that is holy.
Guard me then, O Holy Spirit, that I always may be holy. Amen.