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Dr. Compagnone Inducted to KAIRS Hall of Fame

Catholic Schools

On Monday, February 7, Dr. Nick Compagnone was inducted to the Kansas Association of Independent and Religious Schools Hall of Fame at their annual banquet in Topeka. Dr. Compagnone has over 45 years of service in Catholic Education, serving as a teacher, principal, superintendent, Director of Public Policy and Accreditation, and has also served as President of KAIRS. He has served in the Dodge City, Wichita, and the Salina Dioceses.

Dr. Compagnone and his wife, Cindy, have devoted their careers to serving students and have been models for Catholic Education across the state of Kansas. They were joined by Bishop Vincke, their children, staff and colleagues from St. Mary’s and the Chancery, Kansas Board of Education Members, and KSDE Commissioner of Education and directors to celebrate the achievement.

Dr. Compagnone’s valued service to his church and school community will always remain in the hearts of those he has mentored.

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