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Christmas Greetings to retired clergy and seminarians

Priestly Vocations| Seminarians

If you would like to send a Christmas card to any of our retired clergy or seminarians here is their information.

Our Retired Clergy

If you do not have their address, mail cards to the following address & we will forward them:(Priest’s Name, c/o Office of the Bishop, P.O. Box 980, Salina KS 67402)

Fr. Beryl Gibson – Fr. James Grennan – Msgr. James Hake

Fr. James Hoover Fr. Merlin Kieffer Fr. Larry Latourneau

Fr. Melvin Long – Fr. Roger Meitl – Fr. Jerome Morgan

Fr. Donald Pfannenstiel – Fr. Daniel Scheetz – Fr. William Surmeier

Fr. Basil Torrez – Fr. Alvin Werth

Our Seminarians

If you would like to send our seminarians Christmas cards, please send them to these addresses no later than Dec 1, 2020

Trent Logan – Kyle Pfeifer – Adam Zarybnicky

Conception Seminary College, P.O. Box 502, Conception, MO 64433

Luke Friess – Brady Hutchison – Kade Megaffin – Jesse Ochs

St. John Vianney School of Theology, 1300 S. Steele St., Denver, CO 80210

Deacon Brian McCaffrey

St. Meinrad School of Theology, 200 Hill Dr., St. Meinrad, IN 47577

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