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Call Senator Moran, today!

Greetings Kansas Catholic friend, 

Sometimes, even our friends in Washington need to hear from the “folks back home.”  That’s YOU. This is one of those times.  

Can you please reach out to Kansas Senator Jerry Moran–TODAY PLEASE? Here’s why. 

Senator Moran and the U.S. Senate are preparing to vote TOMORROW (Wednesday) on the dangerously misnamed “Respect for Marriage Act.”   Despite word of an 11th hour “compromise,” this legislation would still put Congress’s rubber-stamp on the Supreme Court’s ruling that imposed same-sex marriage on America.  It fails to address the grave religious freedom threats that that ruling created. In fact, it increases the risk that the government will punish people like small business wedding vendors and faith-based foster care agencies who serve their communities.

There is word from D.C. that Senator Moran is undecided about his vote.  

Now is the time to calmly and respectfully reach out to Senator Moran and ask him to vote NO on H.R. 8404.  Here is a link:

You can also join an effort from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) here:

 Action Center (

We are grateful for Senator Moran’s leadership and judgment over the years.  We trust his instincts and decisions–but we also must constantly VERIFY that all of our elected officials are aware of how we feel here in Kansas.  

Please take action NOW. TODAY. 

On behalf of the Kansas Catholic Bishops, THANK YOU. 

We persevere.

Chuck Weber

Kansas Catholic Conference

Corey Lyon
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