Support the 2025 Bishop's Annual Appeal!

Answering the Call to Share

Catholic Foundation for Diocese of Salina

Generosity is found in abundance among the faithful of the Salina Diocese.  As of June 1, 2021, nearly $1.65 million had been pledged to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal – Call to Share. 

The mission of the Salina Diocese is to be disciples who go out and make disciples through witnessing by faith, hope and love. A gift to the appeal makes it possible for the diocese to succeed in its mission. 

By your gift, we bear witness to faith as our seminarians become the priests who will serve in the parishes across our diocese. 

By your gift, we bear witness to faith as our retired priests are provided for and can live with peace of mind. 

By your gift, we bear witness to hope through evangelization efforts such as Family Life, Hispanic and Rural Life ministries. 

By your gift, we bear witness to love as the youth of our diocese are equipped to receive the sacraments and fully embrace the faith as they become leaders of our diocese. 

By your gift, we bear witness to love as we provide support to the operations of the diocese that serve the pastors, parishes and lay faithful. 

By your gift, we bear witness to love as we provide support to the national collections that serve the poor and destitute of our world. 

We bear witness by faith, hope and love. And we do all these things for the sake of the Gospel, that we may share in its blessings (1 Corinthians 9:23). 

The goal for the 2021 Bishop’s Annual Appeal – Call to Share is $1.85 million. The appeal is one of the primary ways the diocese funds its mission and operations. Every gift to the appeal makes a difference and impacts the Catholics of today, along with future generations of Catholics within our diocese. 

Gifts can be given any time before December 31. To make a gift online, visit For more information or to make a gift of appreciated stocks, IRAs or commodities, contact the Development Office at (785) 827-8746 or [email protected]  

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