Deacon Kade Megaffin
Kade is currently attending St. John Vianney Seminary and will be in Theology III. His home parish is St. Joseph in Hays.
Please send any letters or cards to :
Kade Megaffin
1300 S. Steele St.
Denver, CO 80210
Appointed to Diaconal Ministry at St. Thomas More Parish in Manhattan, Kansas during his Transitional Diaconate Year while he is not away completing his seminary studies
Articles by Deacon Kade Megaffin

Lover of Poverty – Kade Megaffin | St. Joseph Series
Welcome back for another episode of “From the Heart”! Thank you so much for listening! In this episode of our St. Joseph series Geoff Andrews sits down with seminarian Kade Megaffin to talk about the title of St. Joseph – “Lover of Poverty”. Kade is...