In the Catholic Diocese of Salina, the Office of New Evangelization facilitates the ministry of “re-proposing the Gospel’s message of hope to those in a crisis of faith caused my secularization.” “Secularization” is sometimes more popularly known as “the ways of the world” or as the aspects of our modern American “culture” that are contrary to the life of faith and discipleship.
Secularization has a way of robbing us of our hope, assaulting our assurance that, with God’s grace, we will see our way through what seems at the time such a daunting challenge.
The message of hope is in the invitation to Catholics to renew their own relationship with the person of Jesus Christ and his Church. It is also a call to each person to share his or her faith with others. This renewal always involves a conversion, a change, a transformation away from sin that leads to a new depth of faithfulness and discipleship. It leads to a deepened sense of hope.
“Conversion” is not to be understood in terms of a change of affiliation from one’s religious tradition to another or as of going through a series of instructions that brings one to “become Catholic.” Instead, conversion is a process by which a deepened relationship with Christ empowers a person to experience life-shaping changes of mind and heart.